Mythologies 2009 – Rea Zoe Stavropoulos
Florence, 2009
Digitally produced to accompany the artist’s exhibition and installation “Mythologies 2009 – Rea Zoe Stavropoulos” at “Il Comignolo”, Sasso Barisano, Matera, Southern Italy, September 2009. Edition of 120 each signed and numbered by the artist. Texts by the artist in English: “Reflections on Names and Places”, “Do Names Shape Destinies?”, “Choròs/ Chòros Dance/ Space” and in Italian “Riflessioni su Nomi e Luoghi”, “Nomi e Destini – Matera”, “Choròs/ Chòros Danza/ Spazio”.
Soft bound, it has a separate detachable red coloured cover, with the title printed in black on the front cover and other texts printed on the back cover. 20 pages, 14cm x 14cm , reproduce images from the “Mythologies” series and the “Dancers” series and there are two pages of “Fragments” where self portrait images of the artist dancing, walking and painting are juxtaposed with “fragments” of the works.
Concept and layout by Rea Stavropoulos.
Photographs by Rea Stavropoulos and Paolo Mariani
Printed in Florence by La Stamperia di Massimo Massaini