Caught between Earth and Sky
We look for meaning
In the spaces
Between Words
We are bombarded by words
Words which scream at us and tell us how we should act, think, feel.
Words which have been used so often that they no longer have a meaning (Democracy Freedom Peace Love Justice) – the same words manipulated to justify War, Cruelty, Lawlessness.
Question: How do we gain control over our lives in a world that becomes crazier and crazier?
Answer: By taking the time to look inside, to think, to face the fact that there are no easy answers, to leave room for ambivalence and ambiguity and contradictions. That is why an involvement with art and poetry can help to keep us alert and questioning: to understand different points of view and enter into different ways of seeing; to enter into a dialogue that keeps us and our consciences alive.
Rea Stavropoulos
Florence, 2004
(Text for exhibition «Juego de Dados» at Centre Civic Ateneu Fort Penc, Barcelona, during the World Social Forum 2004)